Effective alternative treatment for young and old. Prevention. Healing. Cure.
PEMF therapy is an effective way to prevent and treat many illnesses and medical conditions without pharmaceuticals
PEMF therapy is not recommended during pregnancy and most manufactures will warn against its use while you are pregnant. Although there is little evidence to suggest that PEMF during pregnancy isn’t safe, like wise there is very little research to say it is safe so we should always stay on the side of caution.
Once you have given birth PEMF therapy can be a very useful in the early stages of motherhood. It can aid recovery from the actual birth itself. PEMF therapy will help with healing a tear during childbirth also called a perineal laceration. PEMF therapy can also help with the pain management and healing from a caesarean section (C-section). Problems with lactation and cracked nipples are also covered on this page.
Topics covered on this page. Please click the link to skip down
Breast feeding and lactation failure
Healing and pain management following caesarean section or torn perineum
Caution – PEMF therapy is only to be applied when a woman is not bleeding. The magnetic field increases blood circulation in tissues which may, in some cases, exacerbate this.
Caution – PEMF therapy should not be applied when you are pregnant.
Please see our contradictions page with regards to use of PEMF therapy.
Breast feeding problems are very common among new mothers and women struggle tremendously in the first few weeks after giving birth. Breastfeeding is natural and the best way to feed and infant, and this is true since the evaluation of mankind. Sometimes lactation failure happens naturally, or the supply is delayed, and it can be painful. Other problems can happen because of inadequate support that can lead mothers into using artificial milk too early and this can also lead to lactation suppression. Whatever the cause PEMF therapy could help. The information below is from the makers of Renaissance PEMF therapy devices and with their research and studies they believe that PEMF therapy could help. It is a proven safe and effective treatment for many conditions.
Breast-feeding and lactation failure

PEMF therapy increases blood circulation as well as stimulates the mammary gland to produce (more) milk. Additionally, it promotes faster healing of minor abrasions and skin cracks and may also successfully be used to prevent and treat mastitis (inflammation of the breast associated with pus discharge). Over 80 % of mothers start to breastfeed again once they have undergone magnetic therapy.
Renaissance recommend the Casso and Manic applicators found in the Siecco set
The Duo Forte Generator (the controller that comes with every set) has a specific setting for Breast-feeding and lactation failure
With a maximum magnetic fired induction of 40mT or 400 Gauss this system has the power to deliver results

Cracked nipples
Nipple cracks that occur because of breastfeeding.
PEMF therapy reduces pain and swelling as well as eliminates inflammation. As a result, both lactostasis (interrupted lactation) and mastitis (inflammation of breast tissue often associated with pus discharge) are prevented.
Renaissance recommend the Casso and Manic applicators found in the Siecco set
The Duo Forte Generator (the controller that comes with every set) has a specific setting for cracked nipples
With a maximum magnetic fired induction of 40mT or 400 Gauss this system has the power to deliver results

Postpartum uterine regression
PEMF therapy may be used as a supplementary treatment method under a gynaecologist’s supervision and subject to his or her recommendation. Uterine regression accelerates; the puerperal period (the first six weeks following childbirth) passes with no complications. If you are bleeding, do not apply and contact your physician!
Treatment run time: 30 minutes
Frequency range: 2-5 Hz there and back. 7-12 Hz there and back

Healing and pain management following cesarean section or torn perineum
PEMF therapy significantly accelerates healing and shortens the amount of time patients need to recover. It has analgesic effects, prevents inflammation-related complications, and stimulates patient recovery.
PEMF therapy also reduces the size of, and calms, the scar. Rehabilitation may start earlier and may be more intensive.
DO NOT APPLY PEMF THERAPY IF YOU ARE BLEEDING. – Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields for Postsurgical Pain Management in Women Undergoing Cesarean Section: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Trial
Conclusions: PEMF treatment after C-section decreases postsurgical pain, analgesic use, and surgical wound exudate and edema significantly, and is associated with a high level of patient satisfaction.

The Siecco PEMF set from Renaissance® contains a full length PEMF mat for complete body treatments and the small Manic applicator for targeted application for regeneration of organs, smaller joints, and cervical spine. The Manic can also be used to treat urinary and reproductive system problems as well.
Siecco set
The Siecco set is currently on sale

The size of a CASSO applicator makes it an ideal choice for whole body regeneration. This is the largest “bed-type” applicator. It is suitable for whole body regeneration.
Enjoy the analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and blood circulation enhancing effects of this low-frequency pulsed magnetic therapy device from head to toe.
This magnetic therapy set includes a large “bed-type” applicator CASSO
and a small flat applicator MANIC.
Click to find out more or buy

The Casso is a full-length applicator that provides treatment from head to toe. You can also wrap the Casso around the body to create an intense treatment to the torso, abdomen and hips.
The Casso Applicator
This shows the lines of magnetic field produced by the Casso applicator.
It allows for increased blood flow through the whole body
The Manic applicator - Click to expand
This shows the lines of magnetic field produced by the Manic. The Manic produces a very intense magnetic field and is perfect for targeted application.

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field. Devices and equipment that use PEMF technology send out electromagnetic waves at different frequencies to stimulate and encourage the body’s natural recovery and healing process. Depending on the area of the body and what the process is treating, depends on the frequency range.
Put simply the human body is made of trillions of cells, cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The cells in body are continually vibrating but when they become old or damaged this movement slows down and the ability to function properly is reduced. The electromagnetic field produced by PEMF therapy stimulates cells and encourages the Vibration in them to speed up. In turn the body feeds the cells nutrients and the cells are repaired.
One of the greatest advantages of magnetotherapy is that it is natural, and therefore not addictive, unlike many pharmacological treatments
Pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy is successfully used in fields such as internal medicine, orthopaedics, sports medicine, balneology, rehabilitation, paediatrics, geriatrics, dermatology, neurology, dentistry, urology, and in veterinary medicine. PEMF for tinnitus relief, PEMF for pain reduction and fibromyalgia. PEMF therapy to relieve arthritis and gout symptoms. Nice care Sell PEMF therapy in the UK
Nice care sell PEMF therapy UK – PEMF therapy for sale UK – PEMF devices UK – UK seller of PEMF therapy devices – Nice Care for PEMF therapy devices UK – PEMF therpay is safe – for sale in the UK – PEMF therapy for the family

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