The Duo Forte Generator
The Duo forte generator description and uses. Here we will take a closer look at the duo forte generator. We will go through some of the pre-set programs and how to use all the controls. This will give a better understanding of how PEMF therapy can help. PEMF therapy is safe for treating many health issues and pain relief.

Duo Forte generator parameters:
Over 100 pre-set special programs
analgesic (pain relief) programs
regenerating programs
two independent output channels that make it possible to run two different procedures at the same time
regulated optimum frequency (1-100 Hz range)
easy to use
ergonomic design
Healing programs
The duo forte generator has four healing programs. It is possible to the intensity and/or time for each program depending on how a patient responds to the treatment.
Several conditions make it possible for healing programs to be used as so-called substitute programs (see table above); these are interchangeable in most cases subject to how sensitively the patient responds to treatment. Their general characteristics are as follows:
R1: A universal program to activate healing processes in all body cells and tissues. It facilitates healing and body detoxication as well as eliminates fatigue.
R2: A healing program designed primarily to treat inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Its frequency range is smaller to avoid hypersensitive reactions to treatment (referred to as “spa effect”).
R3: A healing program suitable primarily for improving blood circulation in tissues and thereby increasing oxygen and nutrient intake.
R4: A healing “wellness” program designed to help patients to reduce fatigue, accelerate post-workout muscle recovery, and relax.
Analgesic programs for pain relief
The duo forte generator has three pain relieving programs It is possible to the intensity and/or time for each program depending on how a patient responds to the treatment.
Alleviation of pain is among the most significant effects of magnetic therapy. While its mechanism of action has not yet been determined (possible because each person perceives pain differently), it is known that magnetic therapy affects free nerve endings. These are endings which send pain signals and affect how these signals are processed in the spinal cord. Therefore, magnetic therapy should be applied both to the painful body area and the respective spinal cord segment constituting the source of innervation – a patient suffering from pain in the lower limbs should apply magnetic therapy to the lumbar spine while a patient with pain in the upper limbs should also stimulate the region where the cervical spine transforms into thoracic spine.
B1: The main analgesic program that most patients respond to.
B2: An analgesic program that uses low frequencies; it is recommended to patients suffering from inflammatory diseases as well as individuals who fail to respond to B1 adequately.
B3: A combined analgesic program that includes a muscle relaxing (myorelaxant) sub- program; this program is a perfect choice for those with muscle pain and/or backache.

All PEMF sets from Renaissance® come with
- a two-output pulse generator DUO FORTE
- power supply
- a magnetic field tester
- a user’s manual, information and picture guide
- a quality case to safely store and transport the device
Safe and effective treatment using PEMF therapy
The duo forte controller has over 100 pre-set programs, including four regeneration programs and three for targeted pain relief.
The DUO FORTE generator is the most advanced and up to date PEMF therapy device in its class with over 100 special programs. Each disease has its own special program combining several frequencies and pulse shapes. This means all the hard work of setting up a program has been taken care of. For example, arthrosis is a disease that affects not only the articular cartilage but also the bone underneath (bone changes, apophyses) and the articular capsule. That is why the specific program has been developed to treat the cells in each of these three kinds of tissue, ensuring better therapy results and faster pain relief
Features and use of the duo forte
The user can set the intensity and program length as well as choose a different program for each applicator. Frequently used programs can be stored in the “Favourites” folder to be subsequently restored without the user having to set the desired application length or magnetic field strength again. This can be achieved by pressing and holding the star button (about 2 -3 seconds) until the generator makes a beep tone.
When the generator is first powered up you can choose between favourites (the star) or programs (the cross). Using the centre wheel to make your choice and pressing the middle of the wheel to select.
The right key with back arrow can be used to go back, pause a program or cancel a program by holding down until the generator makes a tone and the cancel is completed (about 2-3 seconds).
If the generator is plugged in with out an applicator being connected it will sound a tone. This is not a problem; just plug in the applicator you need and select the correct program.
This video shows you how to use the Duo Forte Generator.
Pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy is successfully used in fields such as internal medicine, orthopaedics, sports medicine, balneology, rehabilitation, paediatrics, geriatrics, dermatology, neurology, dentistry, urology, and in veterinary medicine. PEMF for tinnitus relief, PEMF for pain reduction of fibromyalgia. PEMF therapy to relieve arthritis and gout symptoms. Nice care Sell PEMF therapy in the UK
Disclaimer: These pages outline how PEMF has helped many people and health issues. This does not prove that others would have the same results. Our products are designed to promote health and wellness and not to diagnose, treat or prevent specific medical conditions, for which you should see a doctor or health care professional. This information has not been evaluated by the US FDA or UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Agency. While we try to keep it up to date and correct, we give no guarantees of any kind about its completeness, accuracy, or suitability.
Nice care and its employees have no formal medical training or qualifications. We will advise you with regards to how PEMF therapy could help you and explain how it has helped others. We do not offer medical advice or diagnosis. If you are unwell or need medical advice, please consult a doctor or health care professional.
The MHRA have seen all certificates issued by the relevant European safety boards and have raised no objection with regards to the suitability or sale of Renaissance® products in the UK