The Primo-M set

Preview of the Primo-M PEMF therapy set

On this page we are going to look at the Primo-M set from Renaissance®, the applicator and its uses. This is a single-piece set comprising of a small flat applicator Manic.

PRIMO M set contains a single small flat MANIC applicator. Despite its humble dimensions this treatment set can help with a surprisingly wide range of health issues.

The MANIC is a small applicator designed to be used for intensive highly targeted therapy and regeneration of various organs and tissues. It efficiently relieves pain in cervical spine as well as gets patients rid of muscular spasms in the area. It is of great help in patients suffering from ringing in the ear (tinnitus, Ménière’s disease) and otitis media.

PRIMO M set also efficiently treats haemorrhoids and prostate issues and is excellent for targeted regeneration of liver, stomach (gastric ulcers), and other internal organs.

Set Primo-M set includes:

  • a flat applicator MANIC, dimensions: 170 x 210mm
  • a two-output Duo2 pulse generator
  • power supply
  • a magnetic field tester
  • a user’s manual, information, and picture guide
  • a quality case to safely store and transport the device

PEMF therapy has been proven to help with the following

  • Pain relief including arthritis, headache and migraine, toothache and much more

  • Improved sleep
  • Oxygenation of the blood stream and better circulation
  • Reduced stress and aid relaxation
  • A boosted immune system
  • Recovery from injury and operations

Manic applicator description and use: The size of MANIC applicator makes it possible for it to generate a strong magnetic field and has been designed for targeted application to areas of the body such as: ears, teeth, cervical spine, smaller joints, regeneration of inner organs (liver, stomach, uterus, prostate, etc.) The applicator is therefore an excellent choice for pain relief.

It can also be used to treat the urinary and reproductive systems. This includes but is not limited to relief from painful and irregular menstruation, urinary tract inflammation and inflammation and enlargement of the prostate

Manic applicator parameters:

  • flat shape
  • weight of 455 grams
  • dimensions: 170 x 210mm

Safe and effective treatment using PEMF therapy

The Duo2 pulse generator has four regeneration programs and three for targeted pain relief.

PEMF therapy - safe and effective

Decades of research have shown positive results from the use of PEMF therapy.

Download our brochure for an in-depth view of our product range.

Lines of magnetic field produced by the Manic applicator. Because of its compact size the therapeutic effects reach deep into the target area.

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field. Devices and equipment that use PEMF technology send out electromagnetic waves at different frequencies to stimulate and encourage the body’s natural recovery and healing process. Depending on the area of the body and what the process is treating, depends on the frequency range.

Put simply the human body is made of trillions of cells, cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The cells in body are continually vibrating but when they become old or damaged this movement slows down and the ability to function properly is reduced. The electromagnetic field produced by PEMF therapy stimulates cells and encourages the Vibration in them to speed up. In turn the body feeds the cells nutrients and the cells are repaired.

One of the greatest advantages of magnetotherapy is that it is natural, and therefore not addictive, unlike many pharmacological treatments

Pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy is successfully used in fields such as internal medicine, orthopaedics, sports medicine, balneology, rehabilitation, paediatrics, geriatrics, dermatology, neurology, dentistry, urology, and in veterinary medicine. PEMF for tinnitus relief, PEMF for pain reduction and fibromyalgia. PEMF therapy to relieve arthritis and gout symptoms. Nice care Sell PEMF therapy in the UK

Disclaimer: These pages outline how PEMF has helped many people and health issues. This does not prove that others would have the same results. Our products are designed to promote health and wellness and not to diagnose, treat or prevent specific medical conditions, for which you should see a doctor or health care professional. This information has not been evaluated by the US FDA or UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Agency. While we try to keep it up to date and correct, we give no guarantees of any kind about its completeness, accuracy, or suitability.

Nice care and its employees have no formal medical training or qualifications. We will advise you with regards to how PEMF therapy could help you and explain how it has helped others. We do not offer medical advice or diagnosis. If you are unwell or need medical advice, please consult a doctor or health care professional.

The MHRA have seen all certificates issued by the relevant European safety boards and have raised no objection with regards to the suitability or sale of Renaissance® products in the UK

Nice care sell PEMF therapy UK – PEMF therapy for sale UK – PEMF devices UK – UK seller of PEMF therapy devices – Nice Care for PEMF therapy devices UK – PEMF therpay is safe –  for sale in the UK – PEMF therapy for the family

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